July Save the Dates!

True Love Christian Church Music Festival 

July 15th 11-6 in Aptos

MBHTC will have a table with our greeting cards and trays. We will also have coloring activities.

For more info see attached and https://www.truelovechristian.com/

Shared Adventures Annual Day on the Beach 

July 15th in Santa Cruz

Christine will be at the Sanctuary Exploration Center across the street from Cowell's doing fish prints. Come try it out.

For more info https://sharedadventures.org/our-adventures/day-on-the-beach/

Yard Sale in Aptos

MBHTC, Divine Equestrian Vaulting, and DaVinci Equestrian will have a Multi-Family sale on July 22nd 9 - 4

For more info see attached


Volunteer Days


Multi-Family Yard Sale